Professional training and consulting services
23 February 2017
Increase efficiency and reliability of electric motors
25 February 2017

R&D activities for OEMs: development of new products

R&D activities for OEMs: development of new products

The digitalization of the industrial sector requires a radical change, which is profoundly transforming the way people and companies work, in this context also OEMs are involved, in particular in the development of new products and IIoT solutions in the field of Industry 4.0.

On these issues ISE proposes itself as a Partner for OEMs, for consulting, training, development of Hardware and Software measurement solutions, specific sensors, data acquisition systems, complete IIoT architectures, software solutions dedicated to data collection and management and many others.


For more information

Discover our services: Financed research projects

Discover our services: Industrial Research and Development projects

Discover products: Twise® Solutions

See also

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