Remote Condition Monitoring – Buzzi Unicem Spa Case History

    Remote Condition Monitoring – Buzzi Unicem Spa Case History

    ISE eand MaintenanceStories

    invite you to participate in the WebStory

    “Development of an innovative Remote Condition Monitoring system for a modern approach to maintenance management – the Buzzi Unicem Spa case”

    Thursday 5th November at 15.00 P.M

    The WebStory will be presented by:

    • Domenico Pascazio, Sales and Customer Service Manager, ISE
    • Andrea Oliaro, Maintenance Engineering – Operation Management, Buzzi Unicem


    Over the past few years, the Italian industrial sector has experienced circumstances that in many cases have put it in difficulty, posing new challenges to many companies.

    It is therefore interesting to analyze how Buzzi Unicem, one of the most important Italian industrial groups, has implemented strategic choices regarding the management of plant maintenance with the aim of renewing the approach to maintenance.

    It is in fact a company that is very attentive to technological innovations and that has implemented a profound transformation to address the changing needs of the market, adopting strategies that have made it possible to achieve an increase in productivity and economic savings to ensure the sustainability of production.

    This transformation has also passed from the enhancement of predictive maintenance, including the implementation on a strategic plant of an innovative remote condition monitoring system functional to increase the reliability of the plant itself, but also to acquire important information on the process – characterized by a great variability – fundamental to be able to optimize it by looking for the right compromise between mechanical stress and productivity.

    The intervention is aimed at illustrating the pilot project developed in collaboration between ISE and Buzzi Unicem on the Horomill mill in the production plant in Trino Vercellese.

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